13 trees on 50sqm, Gun invites you to her garden
Take a ride with a horse and cart or in a classic Oldsmobile. Meet a Guinness World Record holder, learn to bake some Swedish Fika, or swap gardening tips with a like-minded enthusiast.
We have so many ways for you to get off the beaten track and experience everyday life in West Sweden with someone who lives here.
All our Locals want to share their personal enthusiasms with you, and that could be vintage cars and Raggare culture, their love of horses, Swedish fika and baking, hiking or biking in our beautiful environment, gardening, farming, or a guided tour of their favourite places and stories. Take a look through our list of Locals and see if there is something you’d like to do. All our Locals are private individuals who are meeting you in their spare time, so try and give them as much notice as possible when requesting to meet.
We have also brought together some other initiatives where you can meet up with new friends who share an interest, or just to share a ride to the next stop on your itinerary.
Meeting a local is simple and fun. An exciting way to get inside daily life in West Sweden.
Search among all locals for an activity you find extra interesting.
Send a request to meet and share a little bit more about yourself.
Communicate securely through the website and find a time that suits you both.
The highlight. Get to know another exciting person and share an experience together.
Do you live in West Sweden and have an enthusiasm you’d like to share with visitors and people who are new to the area? Are you interested in meeting people from all over the world, giving them an insight into daily life in Sweden? Then you might enjoy being a Local yourself!
All you need to do is register yourself here at Meet the Locals, write a little bit about yourself and the experience you want to share, and we’ll be in touch to help get you started.
Sharing is the heart of Meet the Locals, and it can happen in different ways. Individuals who share their interests, or initiatives that minimise the use of resources by sharing or borrowing instead of buying. It can, for example, be a service for sharing a ride instead of traveling alone in a car, or when someone shares leftover fruit from their garden. You can find lots of great sharing initiatives in and around Gothenburg on Smarta Kartan.